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Some chemistry professor told me that tea bags would prevent the peeling of sunburn. So yesterday afternoon I lay on the bathroom floor, butt-naked, covered in tea bags. Which was kinda funnier to see in person than to hear about secondhand.


I am cleaning out my closet today. I am one of those super-packrat kind of people who keeps everything she ever owned because "I might wear it again". Now let me ask you this - Will I ever again wear a George Michael t-shirt from the 4th grade? The pre-bath-house scandal George Michael that sang that song "Faith" & every teenage girl thought was straight. The resounding answer is "HELL FUCKING YES!" I forgot that I had that one! What about all these clothes from the different clothes-type eras that I went through in the past 24 years? The flannel shirts & air walk sneakers circa 1993? The patchwork hippie skirts from 1996? The UFO pants from 1999? Anyone interested in a lot of Jelly shoes? Just kidding. I threw those out at least two years ago.


My license expired 2 months ago. What am I supposed to do now? Drive illegally to the DMV to get it renewed?


BF said last night, and I quote, "See, Abbey! (holding up the last beer in the fridge) I made this twelve-pack last three days!" What the fuck? I was like "So fucking what?" - I get it though... Now I guess HE thinks that we are not alcoholics because we can stretch our twelve-packs over a longer period than 2 hours.


And in case no one has noticed - I haven't drank in about 3 days. Nice! Only thing is that my life always seems a bit more interesting when I do get "drunkernshit"... but I have realized that that is simply because I am more likely to say something really inappropriate, or get into a super-stupid fight with the BF when intoxicated. Plus, I always end up butt-naked, spewing curse words, and throwing shit. That is a lot more interesting than laying on the sofa, watching Judge Mathis, & chain smoking.


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