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I did this assignment in high school called "The best advice I have ever been given". Pretty lame as I recall thinking. But if I were to get that very same assignment now, I think I could truthfully answer the question...

The very best thing that anyone ever said to me actually came from a former boss. I asked to get off early like all the other staff did on certain days. His reply was no. After hearing my protests about what was �fair� he also added "I can't just give you the afternoon off just because so-and-so is taking it!" I pouted for a minute, complaining that he was being incredibly unreasonable. But as he exited the room he turned back to look at me.

(I am paraphrasing here...) "Abbey, you know that sometimes you have to just TAKE what you are not GIVEN."

And needless to say, I took this as an understanding that I, in fact, COULD leave early. Nothing was ever mentioned of my afternoons off. And I have since adopted this statement as a rule of thumb. I have said this to myself on occasions when I feel guilty. When I feel that twinge of conscience about sliding out early from work or demanding a refund at a store or a change in policy at a business or when I take a fucking blueberry muffin from the break room or JUST whatever... Sometimes, you have to just fucking TAKE what you want.

And by the way, He is hot. (I am a big nerd)


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