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My week of semi-vacation has come to a complete halt... thud... and in turn, the reality of eight o'clock a.m. has threatened my sudden good mood.

Last night Kenny came over to download some music while the BF and I sat in the livingroom. I raised all the windows and turned out all the lights. The house was dark except for candles. Then, BF took requests on my acoustic guitar - one of my favorites being that 'spanish showdown theme' thingie that always plays in the background of western movies. Then we took turns walking into the room & flipping our pretend ponytails as we pulled out our pretend swords. We laughed like fools for like 2 hours... then BF accidentally started a fire with some paper towels & a candle.

Yes, we were drunk.

Kenny walked into the livingroom to see what was so fucking hysterical & proceeded to drop 2 pretty white lorecets into each of our palms.

Needless to say, I was out by 9:30.


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