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Ahh... can't have shit.

You could never imagine just how ill I am when awakened in the morning. I remember as a teenager, being roused by my mother for school each morning. And every morning - without fail - I would immediately let loose with a string of profanities, hurl a pillow in her general direction, and roll over to go back to sleep.

And even after all these years, I haven't changed a bit.

So, I lay awake this morning, drifting in and out of a peaceful sleep, dreaming of Saturdays and having to pee... I looked at the clock and noticed that it was about 7 am, and snuggled in the realization that I didn�t have to work today.

Suddenly, BF jerked in his sleep - head butting me in the back of the head - and proceeded to roll over with all of the blankets and sigh peacefully. Frustrated by the fact that he never even woke up and even more ill now that my head was throbbing... I immediately rolled his way, using the back of my elbow as a weapon, and bowed him in the ribs.

Yeah, real mature.

But even more infuriating was that the boy didn't even stir in his sleep.

And because I was angry from the rude awakening, I yanked all of the covers off of him and threw them on the floor. While proclaiming loudly that "I CAN'T HAVE SHIT!" (And he still didn�t wake up)

Then my mom called. I guess she assumes that everyone is up at the butt crack of dawn just like she is. And I hate when she calls because she never wants to hang up. (I think that most of the time she even makes up stuff to talk about.) After 20 minutes of listening to the latest news about EVERYTHING, and answering 50million questions, I pretended like I had call waiting.

�I gotta go, mom� that�s my other line.�

She pretends like I didn�t say anything and keeps on with her story. I click �end� on the keypad and try to go back to sleep.

The phone rings immediately and it�s her. She says that we got cut off.



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