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You've never seen such ass-kissing as just went on inside that meeting... seriously, I was getting to the point that I could've just leaned over and puked.

Here we are in the midst of budget cuts - not only are none of us getting raises this year, but our departmental spending on supplies is getting cut too... And this FREAK from another department had the BRILLIANT idea that we should give up our staff-development day at the college. OUR ONE SINGLE BREAK FROM WORK ALL YEAR. She thought we should give it up rather than run out of motherfucking paperclips.

And it's not like giving up that measly day would help anything, she was just kissing the "brown eye".

I snorted when the thought came out of her little ratty, ass-kissing mouth.

Fuck that.

If they are going to cut budgets, why don't they cut out the trips like the one my boss just got back from? Hmm.. now where did he go again? Hmmm... let me think... OH, FUCKING YEAH! I REMEMBER! THE VIRGIN ISLANDS CONFERENCE?!?

I mean, for fucking real, people. Our staff day costs under a grand for like 10 people to take off and go to lunch. Meanwhile Mr. Big Cheese goes to the VIRGIN FUCKING ISLANDS for about 2 grand on College money.

Fuckers. Every last one of them... Cocksuckers.


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