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Last night (gee how many entries start out like that?), BF and I went to a retirement party for one of the professors that I work with. Since he didn�t go to college, it was the first time that BF had ever been exposed to college professors.

Well, I take that back, his stepmother was an English professor at the same school and she has always been a raging bitch, so his perception of them is a little fucked up.

Okay, anyways, so when we got in the car to go home he immediately set forth with a long string of insults, judgments, and curse words. He couldn't believe what pretentious and self-righteous ass-holes they were. What smart-ass comments they made and how fucking boring they were. He labeled them as �snobs� and �fake� and �weird� and other things that I can�t recall at the moment.

I used to think that same exact thing when I first started working at the University about a year ago... I used to get offended like EVERYSINGLEDAY� I used to spend my time at work hating them and thinking that I would like to kick them in the ass� but after 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with these people - you start to not notice these things anymore. You learn that they are �just like that�. You start to become accustomed to their bitterness and start to understand their stupid analogies...


So there I was at the party, joining their conversations (and drinking all their beer) and laughing at their stupid jokes (which were actually funny because I was way drunk) and certainly not taking insult to anything that came out of anyone's mouth.

Meanwhile, BF was apparently busy getting offended and angry. (Though, I have to say he handled it well)

Ever heard the one about too close to the forest to see the trees? (I never really understood that one. But if I had to apply it somewhere, I guess that this is the place.)

So yeah, I guess that they are ass-holes. Yeah, I used to think that they were super boring. But I had kinda forgotten about all that.

So in the car on the way home, I felt oddly like he was talking about my "friends". Which I shouldn't have taken offense to but somehow I did.

Then later when we were at his dad�s house drinking Captain Morgan�s and hanging out, I started to realize something.

His dad acts the same way that those professors do... only BF thinks that his dad is the coolest person in the entire world.


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