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BF's dad is the most politically incorrect man that I know. He has been known to say the "N" word more than twice in one sentance. Also the "R" word for the mentally challenged and the "F" word for the homosexuals.

So we suggested that he use different words. Such as "Special" instead of "retarded".

It is only noon and I have already acted "special" least 3 or 4 times. For example: I just called the main IT tech down to my office because my printer wasn't working. Upon further investigation, she found that my printer wasn't actually plugged in. Dammit. But she was really nice about not pointing and laughing at me. If someone else would've done that same thing and called me to help, I would've taken the opportunity to call them a dumbass. These are the days when I feel that I should be disqualified from my job.

And I have that whole spring fever thing. It is currently 70 degrees here - and sunny as a bastard. I feel that is reason enough to escape this flouresant lighting and institutional paint for a pitcher of margarittas on the deck of the mexican restaurant across the street.

I wonder if anyone would notice that "special" girl in RM 45 was MIA?


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