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My life has been totally mundane and ordinary lately. So much that I can't bear (bare?) to make a single entry.

But alas, today there was a bit of excitement. As I was coming back from my semi-lunch (read: I went to the gas station to bum matches so that I could smoke a fucking cigarette in the pouring rain) I decided to park in the back lot which is gated.

I pull in behind a Volkswagen Beetle that is waiting to go through the gate. A Mercedes pulls in behind me to wait. All of the sudden the Beetle throws their car in reverse. I lean forward onto the horn as hard as I can but "Beetle-Man" seems oblivious. I look in the rearview but "Mercedes Bitch" has me pinned in.

What to do? I guess my stupid ass gets backed into. HARD. And then "Beetle-Man" just throws that baby in drive and takes off.

This really pisses me off. Good thing "Mercedes Bitch" finally backed up a little bit and I didn't have to hit her.

So here I am, taking this 'hit and run' veryvery personally and chasing this Beetle-man through the back drive at speeds over 15 miles an hour (oh, yeah!) and thinking about how I have really just not had a "good" day so far, and how I would really just love to pull Beetle-man out of his car and kick him in the balls.

Then, to top the fucking cake, "Beetle-Man" parks right in MY FUCKING parking space. MY FUCKING SPACE, MAN! So I pulled in to another space that was about a half mile away... and RAN to catch him.

And I swear to all that's holy that if the guy who got out of the Beetle hadn't been 200+ years old, he would've gotten a righteous old man ass-whoppin'.

Instead, I discover that he was totally unaware that he had hit me, and even more unaware of what you and I call "HEARING". After screaming at him about insurance, and danger, and property damage- only to realize that he wasn't hearing anything that I was saying.

I just blew it off. Fuck it, man. I even felt bad for yelling. The poor bastard.

BUT, then the little old man (it turns out), isn't so pitiful after all. He is a fucking professor at the school and I saw him in the hallway later today and his hearing suddenly got much better. It seems that he just fucking played me.

I got played.

What the fuck, man?


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