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I just arrived to an empty-dark-cold-as-a-bastard house. First thing I do? Check the kitchen sink to assure my feelings of dissapointment. Yep... dishes are still there.

I kick BF's dirty underwear off the sofa and collapse.

Goddammit! The one lousy thing that BF gave me for my birthday were all these "coupon" cards. They included sappy shit like 'full body massage' and 'infinite love' (and that is all sweet and good) but they also included a coupon good for 'no dishwashing for a month' and 'no laundry for a month'.


You'd think that if you were too cheap to buy your freakin girlfriend a present for her 24th birthday and instead spent 5 cents on some construction paper coupons that you could at the very freakin least follow through with the offer.

Or maybe I should have just taken them at face value. 'No dishwashing for a month' means JUST THAT. No dishwashing. Period. From any member of the household.

How sweet.


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