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What the hell is a "hitler hairdo"? Why does it make me feel ill?


I spent the entire day yesterday drinking Nyquil and watching daytime television. I never changed out of my ratty sweatpants & tanktop. And jesus, I must have been really out of it because suddenly my mother was there - at my apartment - and she is beating on the front door... I look up at the clock and saw that it was 4:30 pm - Whoah, and I stumbled to the door and was all like "Oh, hi mom"... She said that she had been trying to call me all day and that my phone had kept ringing and ringing. I just could not believe that I hadn't heard the phone ringing, so I checked my caller ID and there were seven new calls since 10 am... Geez.

I hadn't even been lying down.

So my mother comes in as soon as I open the door and starts scanning my livingroom - for what, I don't know - and lights up a cigarette. Maybe she was checking for signs of some wild party or something. She had called my work several times also. And at this point I just really wanted her to leave because the amount of Nyquil I had in my body was making my head weigh about 60 pounds. So I told her that I didn't smoke inside...

I must have dozed off after she left. All I know is that I woke up again at about 7:15 and there was 20 bucks laying on the coffee table. Only my mother would leave money in my house.


I have this thing. I lay in that place between sleep & awake and I think of a hundred things I want to write here. To keep record of these whatevers... and then I get here the next morning and its gone. I guess those things are forever locked in those moments around 11pm -

So last night I tried to play a memory game with myself. I was like, Okay, "Remember the number 2 and that will remind you..." and now my mind is blank and it pisses me off. What was the number 2 supposed to remind me of? Austin Powers? Taking a shit? What? Since when did I become so bad at remembering? Fuck it man.


BF brought home my frames yesterday. They are beautiful. I was too sick to try to hang them so that will be my project for this weekend. It has been rough this week and I am so looking forward to hermiting myself in my house for the next two days.


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