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I saw Bo today. It's like when I visited him in jail, there is just so much pressure - when you are someone's link to the "outside"...

He had short hair & no beard & looked very small. Even smaller than I remember him being. And there were just a few people sitting around smoking cigarettes and looking completely normal.

One girl looked kind of like me. Dark hair & tiny... except, she was wearing fuzzy slippers and had mascara all underneath her eyes.

I was told that I couldn't be in his room unless I was "family" and so the visit was short. I almost told him that I was his sister but I figured that they already knew that he only had one sister and she is like 35... I felt all crazy, excuse the use of language, I mean I felt unusual there. Like it was really nice and all, but that I could feel all the anguish...

I told him how happy I was to see him again. And after about an hour I ran out of things to say. He didn't have much to tell either - I felt stupid telling him about Christmas when he spent most of the past year in jail (where Christmas means turkey on your lunch tray)... I will make it a point to see him often over the next 6 months that he is there. He needs me.


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