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Prepare for more bitching:

I tried to watch Blade 2 for the 2nd time last night but fell asleep (again) on the couch. Could've been all those pills...


It was weird that yesterday I saw 3 random people that I graduated high school with or that I was friends with in high school. I hadn't seen any of them in about 6 years.

They were all married or engaged. And FAT.

"Ooooo, look at my ring. I'm all engaged and shit. My life is fucking perfect."

Well, they didn't really say that, but... you know.

At this point in my life I would only get married so that I could collect a lot of presents and get hooked up with a trip to the fucking beach. Maybe I'd even love to be a housewife, sit on my ass all day & get chubby.

Man, that'd be the fucking shit.

So anyway, I exchanged numbers with each of those old friends- but I don't expect any phone calls coming from them... It just seems like one of those polite things people do sometimes to end the conversation.

"Here is my number, call me sometime."

Yeah right. Does anyone ever really mean that? I guess if I really wanted to talk to you then I wouldn't have lost touch to begin with.

In high school I was voted most likely to not give a fuck. - Well, not really. I could've been, though.

But people move on. And grow up. And get martha-fucking-stewart weird. And suddenly they are decorating their house and popping out babies. And driving their little mini vans and cooking meatloaf surprise for their cheating husbands. And worrying about dentist appointments and soccer practice. And PTA meetings and a load of other BULLSHIT...

And here I am, about to be 24 years old, and still just "hanging out"...


Boyfriend complained last night that I never "talk" to him. That I never really tell him about my problems.

So I start in telling him about my stuff and he interupts me (in mid-sentance) with "lets watch the end of Blade 2"....

See... even boyfriend doesn't really want to hear my shit.


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