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or something like that...

I let Boyfriend paint my toenails last night. Of course, he got paint all over my foot and totally forgot the little one...

We were both so wasted.

Its sad that nobody will notice my poorly painted tootsies.

And I feel it more and more lately, like if I died in the bathtub that nobody would find me until my fucking landlord came to collect my rent.

And I am just feeling sorry for myself.

I am that girl that everyone stares at...

Somebody talk to me. I don't bite. Hard.


My town sucks.

There is only one cool place to go and have coffee. It is now overrun with the new generation of high schoolers who crowd the couches to smoke cigarettes out of the eyesight of their parents. The same parents that make it so that high schoolers drive nicer cars than I do.

This is where I met Boyfriend almost 3 years ago. He was one of them. He was so fucking cute.


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