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Dear Freakin Diary,

Forgive me, for I am a little MANIC today. It comes without fail just as sure as I was going to kill myself last week.... It's times like this that make the depression part of this disease seem almost bearable- Though I hardly sleep when I am like this... I AM SO AWAKE and so to full of love & everyone else and wanting to be everything & everywhere all at once (like i am exploding!) thoughts racing and feeling high & CREATING!! The best part of all. I shall use this up time to finish up all the paintings that I started during my last manic period.


I just came across "Men who look like Kenny Rogers"... I think that "turban kenny" is the best... However, it's hard to make that kind of call. All Kenny's should be equal.

I am just so -freakin happy- today that it is making me & those around me nauseous. I am in such a good mood that I took a picture of Boyfriend's stomach. I would like to have a whole collage of belly pictures. It's nothing sexual, (or is it?) I just think that it's crazy what some people's belly-buttons look like. Plus some people have some crazy belly-fur... I also have an "innie". Mine is way deep... I don't have any hair on mine though... (photo soon to come.)

Please someone tell me how stupid I am & that I need help. JUST CLICK HERE...


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