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It was a good weekend... nice & quiet... & boring... we just layed around, watched movies, cooked meatballs, slept... I got a 6 pack on Saturday but didn't even feel like drinking it.

It was a good quiet before the inevitable storm that will erupt this week.

Later today I will meet Boyfriend's mother...

She got out (of prison) on Friday- I sent her clothes to come home in because she was scared of what Rick would pick out for her to wear. I spoke to her on the phone once when she called our house...

& yet I am afraid of what she will be like. I 've heard [such] negative things about her. Which are all true... things I don't know much about... & I know that Boyfriend hates her because of the things that she has done. I don't blame him. <> - I understand the love/hate thing... I know the way I feel about my father is the same. I hate him for the things he did but at the same time I can't help but love him.

---Anyways, I expect this whole situation to be super-weird. On some level it will affect our relationship just because it is going to affect Boyfriend so much.

It's funny that I dont' really worry what she will think of me. Its natural to want your boyfriend's parents to like you & somehow I couldn't care less.


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